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Welcome Arjun Ram Meghwal (Bikaner - MP)

Arjun Ram Meghwal


Party:Bharatiya Janata Party

Father's Name:Shri Lakhu Ram Meghwal

Mother's Name:Smt. Hira Devi Meghwal

Birth Place:Vill. Kishmideshar, Distt. Bikaner (Rajasthan)

Spouse Name:Smt. Pana Devi



State Name:Rajasthan

Permanent Address:"Sansad Sewa Kendra", C - 66, K. K. Colony, Joiya Market, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334003Telefax : (0151) 2230260,

Present Address:5-A, K. Kamraj Marg,New Delhi - 110 011Tels : (011) 23011770, 23011771 (R), (011) 23010895, 23034638 (O) Fax: (011) 23011772 (R), 23011824 (O)

Email Id:arjunrammeghwal[at]gmail[dot]com ar[dot]meghwal[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in

Education Qualifications:M.A. (Pol. Science), LL.B., M.B.A Educated at Sri Dungar College, Bikaner and University of Philippine, Philippines

Countries Visited:Widely Travelled 

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