Arun Sao
Party:Bharatiya Janata Party
Father's Name:Shri Abhay Ram Sao
Mother's Name:Smt. Pramila Sao
Birth Place:Raipur, Chhattisgarh
Spouse Name:Smt. Meena Sao
State Name:Chhattisgarh
Permanent Address:Duplex No. 38, Babji Park, Ring Road No. 2, Bilaspur, ChhattisgarhTel : (0775) 2271400
Present Address:178, North Avenue,New Delhi-110001Telefax : (011) 23092072,
Email Id:arunsaobjp[at]gmail[dot]com arun[dot]sao[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in
Education Qualifications:B.Com and LL.B. Educated at S.N.G. College, Mungeli, Dist. Mungeli (Chhattisgarh) and K.R. Law College, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)