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Welcome Mahendra Nath Pandey (Chandauli - MP)

Mahendra Nath Pandey


Party:Bharatiya Janata Party

Father's Name:Late Shri Sudhakar Pandey

Mother's Name:Late Smt. Chandrawati Pandey

Birth Place:Vill. Pak Khanpur, Distt. Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh

Spouse Name:Smt. Pratima Pandey



State Name:Uttar Pradesh

Permanent Address:H. No. B-22/157-7, Saraswati Nagar, Vinayaka,Varanasi-221010, U.P.Telefax : (0542) 2361401

Present Address:9, Thyagraj Marg,New Delhi-110011Tels : (011) 23018556, 23018558, Fax : (011) 23465825

Email Id:mahendranath[dot]pandey[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in drmnpandeymp[at]gmail[dot]com

Education Qualifications:M.A., Master of Journalism, Ph.D. (Hindi) Educated at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh

Countries Visited:Bhutan, (During Presidential Visit in year 2015), Indonesia (As a Leader of the Indian Delegation at the Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly in Jakarta), Kazan, Russia to participate in World Skills, 2019 

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