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Omprakash Bhupalsingh Alias Pavan Rajenimbalkar (Osmanabad - MP)

Welcome Omprakash Bhupalsingh Alias Pavan Rajenimbalkar (Osmanabad - MP)

Omprakash Bhupalsingh alias Pavan Rajenimbalkar


Party:Shiv Sena

Father's Name:Shri Bhupalsingh alias Pawan Santaji

Mother's Name:Smt. Aanandidevi Bhupalsingh alias Pawan

Birth Place:Osmanabad, Maharashtra

Spouse Name:Smt. Sanyojani



State Name:Maharashtra

Permanent Address:At. Govardhanvadi, P.O. Dhoki Nazi, Distt. Osmanabad - 413580, Maharashtra

Present Address:B-702 (Gomti) M.S. Flat, Baba Kharag Singh Marg,New Delhi-110001Tels : (011) 23388075, 23387285 Fax : (011) 23782804

Email Id:omraje01[at]gmail[dot]com,mp[dot]omrajenimbalkar[at]gmail[dot]com op[dot]rajenimbalkar[at]sansad[dot]nic[dot]in

Education Qualifications:B.E. (Information Technology) Appeared IInd Year Educated at Sinhgad College of Engineering, University of Pune, Maharashtra 

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